Creating paths and shapes¶
This section explains how to create items that contain paths.
To create line or a freeform path, specify a series of path points, as a series of x-y coordinates or path
point objects.
Using x-y coordinates limits the path to straight segments. To created a curved path, you must create path point
objects. A path can comprise a combination of page coordinates and path point
Specifying a series of x-y coordinates¶
To specify a path using page-coordinate pairs, use the entire path
property of the path items
object. The following script specifies three pairs of x-y coordinates, to create a path with three points:
tell application "Adobe Illustrator"
set docRef to make new document
-- set stroked to true so we can see the path
set lineRef to make new path item in docRef with properties {stroked:true}
set entire path of lineRef to { {220, 475},{200, 300},{375, 300} }
end tell
Using path point objects¶
To create a path point
object, you must define three values for the point.
- A fixed
point, which is the point on the path. - A pair of direction points—
left direction
andright direction
—which allow you to control the path segment's curve.
You define each property as an array of page coordinates in the format [x, y]:
- If all three properties of a
path point
object have the same coordinates, and the properties of the nextpath point
in the line are equal to each other, you create a straight-line segment. - If two or more properties in a
path point
object have different values, the segment connected to the point is curved.
To create a path or add points to an existing path using path point
objects, create a path item
object, then add the path points as child objects in the path item
tell application "Adobe Illustrator"
set docRef to make new document
-- set stroked to true so we can see the path
set lineRef to make new path item in docRef with properties {stroked:true}
--giving the direction points the same value as the
--anchor point creates a straight line segment
set newPoint to make new path point of lineRef with properties
{anchor:{220, 475},left direction:{220, 475},right direction:{220, 475}, point type:corner}
set newPoint2 to make new path point of lineRef with properties
{anchor:{375, 300},left direction:{375, 300},right direction:{375, 300}, point type:corner}
--giving the direction points the different values
--creates a curve
set newPoint3 to make new path point of lineRef with properties
{anchor:{220, 300},left direction:{180, 260},right direction:{240, 320}, point type:corner}
end tell
Combining path point types¶
The following script sample creates a path with three points, by combining the entire path property with a path point
tell application "Adobe Illustrator"
set docRef to make new document
-- set stroked to true so we can see the path
set lineRef to make new path item in docRef with properties {stroked:true}
set entire path of lineRef to { {220, 475},{375, 300} }
set newPoint to make new path point of lineRef with properties
{anchor:{220, 300},left direction:{180, 260},right direction:{240, 320}, point type:corner}
end tell
To create a shape, you use the object that corresponds to the shape's name (like ellipse
, rectangle
, or polygon
), and use the object's properties to specify the shape's position, size, and other information like the number of sides in a polygon.
- The scripting engine processes all measurements and page coordinates as points. For details, see Measurement Units.
- x and y coordinates are measured from the bottom-left corner of the document, as indicated in the Info panel in the Illustrator application. For details, see Page-item positioning and dimensions.
Write-once access¶
Properties for path-item shapes use the "write-once" access status, which indicates that the property is writeable only when the object is created. For existing path-item objects, the properties are read-only properties whose values cannot be changed.
Creating a rectangle¶
Consider the following sample:
tell application "Adobe Illustrator"
set docRef to make new document
set rectRef to make new rectangle in docRef with properties
{ bounds:{288, 360, 72, 144} }
end tell
The sample creates a rectangle with these properties:
- The top-right corner of the of the rectangle is inset 4 inches (288 points) from the bottom of the page and 5 inches (360 points) from the left edge of the page.
- The lower-left corner of the rectangle is inset 1 inch (72 points) from the left edge of the page and 2 inches (144 points) from the bottom of the page.
Creating a polygon¶
Consider the following sample:
tell application "Adobe Illustrator"
set docRef to make new document
set pathRef to make new polygon in docRef with properties
{center point:{144, 288},sides:7,radius:72.0}
end tell
The sample creates a polygon with these properties:
- The center point of the object is inset is 2 inches (144 points) on the horizontal axis and 4 inches (288 points) on the vertical axis.
- The polygon has 7 sides.
- The length of the radius from the center point to each corner is 1 inch (72 points).